The integration of mixed reality technology into clinical and procedural skills assessments

Iona Minty, iBSc, MBChB

Medisch specialist aan University College London Hospital


December 6, 2022

Foto: Maurice van den Bosch

Innovative mixed reality (MR) technologies have the potential to transform the delivery of medical education and may confer some advantages over traditional teaching methods by merging real and virtual worlds. The technology has the potential to help tackle many challenges currently faced in the delivery of high-quality medical education globally including quality, consistency, accessibility, and cost. The technology has also been successfully integrated into medical schools’ curricula, principally to support the delivery of anatomy teaching through a range of commercial and bespoke applications. The HL2 device may facilitate remote assessment of clinical and procedural skills. This approach may not only reduce cost and improve access to qualified assessors but may also facilitate assessments to be taken out of the abstract structured environment of formal examinations and into real-life opportunistic clinical interactions. In this session, we will discuss the potential ways AR can be integrated into medical education.
